Thursday, January 28, 2010

Two Things About Marty

Last week we were blessed to have Marty Duren preach at Towaliga.

Along with being a long-time pastor and gifted preacher/teacher, Marty is also an author. He co-authored the book Journeys: Transitioning Churches to Relevance with Todd Wright. If you like Marty or if you are interested in reading about how a local body can actually impact the community and the world instead of drowning in the muck of the way things have always been done, you will like this quick read. It is practical and the result of many years of hardship, conflict, set backs and joys unspeakable.

Also, Marty is currently gearing up to go to Haiti. For many this may come as a surprise because we have been told for a few weeks now that no one is allowed to come in. However, we have already seen pastors like Mark Driscoll and James MacDonald with Churches Helping Churches find their way in and bring back chilling reports. Marty is next in that line and he will be going with an organization called Helping Hands Foreign Missions. It's amazing what can get done without a large bureaucracy getting in the way. Please pray for Marty and Helping Hands and Churches Helping Churches and, of course, Haiti.


  1. I LOVED Marty's sermon last Sunday and everything he had to say on evangelism as a whole. He had some hard truths to hear but everything was right. ESPECIALLY on how Churches try to focus their evangelism by bringing people to church instead taking church to the people.
    Jason had a lot to say on the topic too. We even skimmed on starting an outreach program at the GTC campus.

    ...and do you have a copy of Marty's book?
