Thursday, October 22, 2009

Make-Up, Gold Pianos and the Great Commission

I'm asking for your money.  No, I'm not starting my own television ministry and no I'm not making my wife paint her hair blond or her face purple.  But yes, I am asking for your money and your time.

Recently, we got word that many missionaries with the IMB will be receiving drastic cuts in their pay.  For a while we have been hearing about missionaries who are either not able to go out or who must go home because of a lack of funds.  Global economic crisis or not, this news should unsettle us.  If we are not the ones who are going to take the gospel to the nations, we must be the ones who are giving sacrificially so that the gospel can go to the nations.  Times are tight but we are still rich.  Let's use our riches to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ so that others will repent and enjoy eternal life.

I'm asking you to give but not to me.  The best way to give right now is to the Lottie Moon Christmas offering.  All of the profits for our Run for the Moon 5k Run/Walk go to the Lottie Moon offering.  You can find out how to get involved by clicking on the News and Information link at  This is a great way to participate both physically and financially.  If, for whatever reason, you are not able to participate in Run for the Moon, give to Lottie Moon anyway.  It doesn't have to be through Towaliga Baptist Church.  If you belong to another church, ask your pastor for details on how you can help keep missionaries at their post.

When you give to the Lottie Moon Christmas offering, you can give confidently that your money is not going to buy a gold piano or to pay the light bill at some celebrity preacher's mansion.  Instead, your sacrificial giving will be in full compliance with Christ's command to make disciples of all nations.  

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